Justin Lee Campbell

Born: August 7th, 1986

Died: March 3rd, 2004


Campbell, Justin Lee

Hale Center-- Funeral services for Justin Lee Campbell, 17, were at 2 p.m. today in First Assembly of God Church in Plainview with the Rev. Randy Santiago, pastor, and the Rev. Anthony Sisemore, pastor of First Baptist Church in Floydada, officiating.

Burial was in Plainview Memorial Park by Bartley Funeral Home of Plainview.

Mr. Campbell died Wednesday, March 3, 2004, at his residence.

He was born Aug. 7, 1986, in Hale Center.

Survivors include his mother, Sheila Campbell of Hale Center; two brothers, Jacob Campbell and Jerrod Campbell, both of Hale Center; a sister, Jennifer Campbell of Hale Center; and his grandparents, Buck and Lily Rinne and James and Chrystine Campbell, all of Hale Center.

His father, Robert Ross Campbell, died May 18, 2001.

The family suggests memorials to Hospice Hands of West Texas, Lockney, TX 79241.

Plainivew Daily Herald-- March 5, 2004

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