Lawrence Douglas Brown

Born: July 19th, 1921

Died: March 27th, 1999


Brown, Lawrence Douglas

Funeral services for Lawrence Brown, 77, will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Lemons Memorial Chapel
With the Rev. Randy Lawson, pastor of Glad Tidings Worship Center, officiating.

Burial will be in Plainview Cemetery by Lemons Funeral Home.

Mr. Brown died at 6:45 a.m. Saturday, March 27, 1999, at his residence.

He was born July 19, 1921, in Lindsay, Okla. where he grew up. He served with the U.S. Air Force
During World War II from 1941-1946.He returned to this area and farmed in the Prairieview and
Providence communities. He retired in 1970. He was a Baptist.

Survivors include two sisters, Zelma Perry of Plainview and Darlis Jensen of Lindsay, Okla; two sisters-
In-law, Cora Brown of Plainview and Florene Coldway of Marble Falls; and several nieces and nephews.

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