Jack H., Mrs. (Emma Jo) Bristol

Born: February 23rd, 1924

Died: March 24th, 2015


Emma Jo Bristol Was born Feb. 23, 1924, and passed away on March 24, 2015, in Richardson, Texas, after a lengthy illness. She is survived by her daughter, Jacquie Bilton and her husband, Tim Bilton, of Garland, Texas. Emma Jo was preceded in death by her husband, Jack H. Bristol, brothers Richard Armstrong and Donald Lee Armstrong. Emma Jo was born and raised in Plainview and later moved to Garland, Texas, to be with her daughter and son-in law. She was a long time member of the First United Methodist Church in Plainview and was an avid bridge player. A graveside service will be held on May 8 at 11 a.m. at Plainview Memorial Cemetery.

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