Sylvester Riley, Mrs. (Gwinnie Lois) Brannon

Born: February 9th, 1884

Died: August 28th, 1938



Borger, Texas

Tuesday, August 30, 1938

Last rites for Mrs. S. R. Brannon of Perryton, formerly of Borger, were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock in Plainview, with the Rev. L. H. Dickerson of Amarillo officiating.
Services were also held yesterday afternoon in Perryton, with the Methodist minister there officiating. Mrs. Brannnon was the wife of the Rev. S. R. Brannon, former pastor of the Nazarene church here, now pastor of the Perryton church.
Following services in Plainview today, the body was interred in the cemetery in that city.
Besides the Rev. Brannon, survivors include six daughters, Mrs. Fred Wallas of Elida, N.M.; Mrs. Carl Luginbyhl of Borgero; Hallie, Audrey and Louise of Perryton; Ruth of Amarillo; and a son, Riley Jr., of Perryton.

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