Lloyd C. Billingsley
Born: January 4th, 1920
Died: March 5th, 2003
Billingsley, Lloyd C.
Lubbock ? Funeral services for Lloyd C. Billingsley, 83, will be at 2 p.m. Monday in Lemons Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Don Robertson, pastor of College Heights Baptist Church, officiating.
Burial will be in Plainview Memorial Park by Lemons Funeral Home.
Mr. Billingsley died at 2 a.m. Wednesday, March 5, 2003, in Lubbock.
He was born Jan. 4, 1920 in Duncan, Okla. He worked for Western Union during World War II delivering telegrams. He also worked at the local Chevrolet dealership before joining his brother, Howard, at the Plainview Coca-Cola plant in 1952. In 1966, he transferred to the Lubbock Plant, then to the Brownfield plant in 1967. He later returned to the Lubbock plant and eventually back to Plainview. He worked for Coca-Cola a total of 46 years.
He was a member of College Heights Baptist Church.
Surviving are a brother, Howard Billingsley of Plainview; two nieces, Janiece Leland of Amarillo and Sharon McGinnis of Houston; and a nephew, Shelby Copeland of Albuquerque, N.M.
The family expresses appreciating for the many years of love attention and assistance shown by his dear friend, Jeff King of Oklahoma City, and his family.
Plainview Daily Herald ? March 9, 2003
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