Dan, Mrs. (Patty Irene (Pat) Davidson) Barton

Born: July 14th, 1936

Died: April 30th, 2000


Barton, Dan, Mrs. (Pat)

Hale Center ? Funeral services for Pat Barton, 63, will be at 4 p.m. Wednesday in First Baptist Church with the Rev. Gene Meacham, pastor, officiating.

Arrangements are by Freeman-Abell Funeral Home.

Mrs. Barton died Sunday, April 30, 2000, in University Medical Center in Lubbock.

She was born July 14, 1936, in Wapanuka, Okla. She moved to Hale Center in 1974 from Oklahoma City and was owner and operator of the Fashion Mart in Hale Center for several years and was a hairdresser for 21 years.

On July 12, 1969, she married Dan Barton in Oklahoma City.

Survivors include her husband; one son, Steve Washington of Hale Center; two daughters, Billie Uptergrove of Hale Center and Bobbie Armijo of Austin; a sister, Willeene Teague of Kemp; and four grandchildren.

Plainview Daily Herald ? May 2, 2000

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