Reuben A. Barrow
Born: August 6th, 1841
Died: March 19th, 1923
Capt. R.A. Barrow Dies
Capt. Reuben A. Barrow, well known citizen of Plainview, died at his home Monday about noon, having been an invalid for several years. He was an excellent citizen and his passing on casts a gloom over the town, for he had many friends.
Capt. Barrow was born in Forsyth county, N.C., August 6th, 1841, was the son of Phillip and Betsy Barrow, and the youngest of three children, two brothers and one sister. The brother died during the Civil war and the sister in 1880.
Capt. Barrow was educated in Oak Ridge College, NC. When the Civil war broke out though yet a lad he enlisted as a volunteer and joined the Twenty-first Regiment Company D.N.C. He was promoted until he became a captain in the Confederate army.
He married Mary F. Sullivan in 1882, and moved to Texas six months later. He first located on a farm near Fort Worth and in 1907 moved to Plainview.
When a young man he united with the Methodist church, on coming to Texas he helped to build a Presbyterian church in the community where he lived, and served that church as a deacon and then as elder. His membership is now in the Presbyterian church of Plainview.
Mr. Barrow leaves his widow and three children, Frank, Clay, and Ruby all of Plainview.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. at the Presbyterian church, Pastor H.E. Bullock officiating and interment will follow in Plainview cemetery. (The Plainview News, March 20, 1923)