Arthur, Mrs. (Johnnie Rhodes) Ashley

Born: July 25th, 1934

Died: June 8th, 2001


Ashley, Arthur, Mrs. (Johnnie Rhodes)

Celebration of life services for Johnnie Rhodes Ashley, 66, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in First United Methodist Church with Silas Short and Dustin Heinen officiating.

Arrangements are by Freeman-Abell Funeral Home.

Mrs. Ashley died June 8, 2001, in Leesburg, Fla.

She was born July 25, 1934, in Sudan. She moved to Florida in March.

On Feb. 14, 1996, she married Arthur Ashley in Hawaii.

Survivors include her husband of The Villages, Fla.; her mother, Venda Robertson of Hale Center; one daughter, Denese Heinen of Amarillo; one son, Ricky Rhodes of Dallas; three sisters, Shirley Anderson of Dallas, Jane Drake of Granburyand Sue Dunn of Falls Church, Va.; and three grandchildren.

Her father, John Robertson, died in February 1998.

The family suggests memorials to the Scottish Rite Learning Center, P.O. Box 10135; Lubbock, TX 79408.

Plainview Daily Herald- June 14, 2001

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