Evart M. (Cowboy) Adams

Born: August 14th, 1900

Died: March 26th, 1999


HALE CENTER - Funeral services for Evart "Cowboy" Adams, 98, were at 2 p.m. Saturday in First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Ken Rowland, pastor, officiating.

Burial was in Center Plains Cemetery in Cotton Center by Freeman-Abell Funeral Home.

Mr. Adams died at 7:30 a.m. Friday, March 26, 1999, in Hi-Plains Nursing Home.

He was born Aug. 14, 1900 in Wheeler County and married Lola Mae Jetton on Jan. 1, 1927 in Hale Center. She died in 1982. He was a World War I veteran, joining in 1918, and was a Navy pilot. He had been recognized at the local Veterans Day service as the only veteran of World War I living in Hale Center.

He worked on several ranches including the 6666 Ranch. He played football at West Texas State and moved to Hale Center in 1923 to teach and coach football.

He was a member of First United Methodist Church and the American Legion.

Surviving are a daughter and son-in-law, Trula and Harry Palmer of Odessa; a sister-in-law, Trula Maude Jetton Richardson of Colorado City; four grandchildren and their spouses, Laura and Ron Anders of Childress, Morris and Kem Palmer of McKinney, Harry E. Palmer of Houston and David A. Palmer of Odessa; four great grandchildren; two nieces, Frances Lewis of Claude and Claudia Martin of Denton, and two nephews, Bill Waters and Paul Waters, both of Lubbock.

A son, James Adams, died in 1975.

The family suggests memorials to First United Methodist Church of Hale Center, Hale Center Senior Citizens or the Hale Center Library.

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