Thomas Leroy Baker

Born: September 7th, 1944

Died: October 29th, 2019


Reverend Thomas Leroy Baker, age 75, passed away, surrounded by loved ones, on October 29th at Ussery Roan Veteran's home. He was a God fearing man and the best father anyone could hope for. He was born September 7th, 1944 in Connellsville, Pennsylvania to Chalmer and Doris Baker. After serving in the United States Army in Korea, Tom returned to the states where he finished his education and was ordained as a minister for the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. He was then called to serve at a congregation in Cumberland, Wisconsin where he began a life of full time ministry and devotion to the gospel, from which he never wavered. Tom served congregations in Wisconsin, Illinois, Texas and Brazil. Most recently, Tom served as a chaplain for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in the Wheeler and Formby units in Plainview, Texas. He dutifully served all he came into contact with there and spoke constantly of his efforts to minister to and connect with both staff and inmates alike.

Tom's love for others was pure. He was light-hearted and loved to partake in silly jokes and the occasional gentle tease. He loved the holidays, watching his Steelers win 6 super bowls, whistling hymns, gospel music and was an avid reader. His scholarly fascination with history, politics and theology was un-rivaled.

Tom is survived by his wife, Patricia Baker; his son, Andrew Baker; his daughter, Hannah Baker; his sister, Carol Ross and his brother, Bruce Baker.

A viewing will be held on Sunday, Nov 3 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Bartley funeral home in Plainview, Texas. The funeral service will be held Monday, Nov 4 at 11:00 am at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Plainview, Texas.

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