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Janie Elaine Aday
Born: June 29th, 1945
Died: March 27th, 2020
Janie Elaine Huntington Aday, 74, of Plainview, TX, passed away at home in her sleep on March 27, 2020.
Janie, or Blondie, as many affectionately knew her, was tall and beautiful and rarely seen without perfect eyeliner, lipstick, and hair. Her family spent time waiting on her to get ready, but she always made an entrance. Her smile was radiant and she charmed everyone who had the good fortune to meet her.
Janie was born June 29, 1945 in Plainview, TX. She was preceded in death by her parents, Leland Wayne and Eva Lee Ellis Huntington, both farmers from Plainview, and her two older brothers Teddy Wayne Huntington and Army Lt. Col. Bobby Neil Huntington. The family was affected with a congenital heart condition that eventually led to Janie’s successful donor heart transplant in 2005. It was the bravest thing she ever did.
She married Thomas Arnold Aday in Plainview on August 29, 1964, in a wedding dress she made herself, and they embarked on an eventful life together. They both became pharmacists at Southwestern Oklahoma State University School of Pharmacy. Eventually, they made their way back to Plainview and Janie worked in countless hospitals and small town pharmacies across West Texas, in addition to the two businesses she and Tom owned, Edgemere Pharmacy and Aday’s Pharmacy, until their retirement in 1997.
Janie and Tom had two children: Kristi Lane Aday, and her husband Sam Samani, live in New Braunfels. Jeffery Thomas Aday, lives in Madrid, Spain. Both Janie and Tom worked to give their kids the advantages they never had. She signed them up for everything, attended countless dance recitals and basketball games, went all-out for Christmas, perfected Jeff’s favorite lemon cake, and created a warm, inviting home.
Blondie’s true calling was art, in its many forms. As a child, she taught her cousins Vicky and Cindy Greer how to dance and do their hair. She loved beautiful things, was a collector of angels, beads, baubles, and made jewelry she rarely wore. She painted beautiful pieces of art and collected mementos from her travels around the world with Tom and all their pharmacy friends.
Her favorite place in the world was Possum Kingdom Lake. She and Tom spent time floating in the lake with their beloved dog Bogie, visiting all the Greers, and enjoying retirement.
The last ten years of Blondie’s life were difficult with many health issues. But it was made easier by a host of life-long friends, extended family, and the loving care of her steadfast friend, Jean Williams.
Life is sometimes unfair. Jeff is under quarantine at home in Madrid, Spain. Friends and family are rightfully social distancing. When the world returns to normal and Jeff can come home, we will have a wake in her honor. In the meantime, we ask that in lieu of flowers, please make a donation in her name to LifeGift, at or register to be an organ donor.
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