Eugenio Borjas

Born: December 15th, 1928

Died: December 15th, 2021


Eugenio Carrion Borjas, 93, of Hale Center, passed away on December 15, 2021. A visitation will be held on Thursday, December 16, 2021 from 9-5p.m.

Eugenio was born on December 15, 1928 to Jose and and Anjelita (Carrion) Borjas in Beeville, Texas. He was a farmer and preacher. He will be remembered as a loving father, grandfather, and friend. He is survived by his children, loved ones, and dear friends.

Eugenio is preceded in death by his parents; Jose and Anjelita Borjas, and a son; Santiago Borjas.

A special thanks to the Hale Center Police and residents for bringing him home with Kay Kay (his dog) after his joy walks in town. Thank you to his grand-kids who helped during his time of life

I can do all things through him who gives me strength.

-Phillippians 4:13

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